Presently, UIT Library have a collection of more than 5000 Books. Most of them are prescribed text books on Management, commerce and Computer Science. The Library also have a periodical section where all relevant journals required for the existing courses of the college is available. This Library provides a collection of various sources of information and similar resources, made accessible for reference or borrowing. Our Library is an ideal place for studying, group discussion and collaboration.
Library provides a collection of sources of information and similar resources, made accessible for reference or borrowing. It provides physical access to material and services maintained by institution. In addition to providing materials, libraries also provide the quiet areas for studying, and common areas to facilitate group study and collaboration. Libraries often provide public facilities for access to their electronic resources and the internet.
Amruthakumariamma. P Library Assistant (B.LISc)
A librarian is a person who works professionally in a library, providing access to information and sometimes social or technical programming. In addition, librarians provide instruction on information literacy.
Staff are available Monday – Friday 9am to 4.00 pm, though the Library may not be manned from 1.30 to 2pm
Computer Lab Hours
Monday through Friday: 10.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m
To see which new books have been added to the Library, sign in to your Home Page.